Why Choose Us
(what differentiates us)

We are uniquely accessible. Do you ever call a company and get an automated system you have to navigate through, or get transferred many times? How about elevator hold music? Is it difficult to track down customer service representatives after normal business hours that know what they are doing? You will not have these frustrations when working with us. Each of our full time operations staff has direct dial numbers and are accessible around the clock. We can be communicated via phone, email, text, or carrier pigeon (may not be reliable); whichever you prefer.

Industry Relationships
To be the best and most effective at moving your freight – it requires strong tethers with our partners and customers. The industry relationships we build are essential to our work every day. Relationships with customers and transportation partners are treated with the same importance. We prioritize a face to face visit with a customer just as much as ensuring that a driver can be compensated for detention or an unforeseen layover. We employ a familial approach to every interaction, knowing we will get the most of each company relationship by being earnest about knowing the people at each shipper and every dispatcher’s office. We prioritize relationships that are beneficial for everyone along the supply chain.

We Care
It is a bold statement to say we differentiate ourselves by our level of caring. It is cliché to say our actions reflect that we care, but it is also true. We do the little big things that add up like listen, look out for your interests, and put in the extra effort, and do what we say we will do better than others.